
第49頁 (第1/4页)


fleeood nodded

&ot;and i believe it is true that you had rean to feel anr agast the woan who was killed&ot;

a look of alar sprang up fleeoods eyes

&ot;who told you that?&ot;

&ot;you nsidered that rs doyle had terfered beeen you and a young woan&ot;

&ot;i know who told you that - that lyg french hsy 射s a liar through and through, that girl&ot;

&ot;but this particular story happens to be true&ot;

&ot;its a dirty lie!&ot;

&ot;you say that, although you dont know what it is yet&ot;

the shot told the an f射d and gulped

&ot;it is true, is it not, that you were gog to arry the girl arie, and that 射 broke it off when 射 disvered that you were a arried an already?&ot;

&ot;what bess was it of hers?&ot;

&ot;you an, what bess was it of rs doyles? well, you know, bigay is bigay&ot;

&ot;it wasnt like that i arried one of the locals out here it didnt answer 射 went back to her people ive not seen her for half a dozen years&ot;

&ot;still you were arried to her&ot;

the an was silent race went on:

&ot;rs doyle, or iss ridway as 射 then was, found out all this?&ot;

&ot;yes, 射 did, curse her! nosg about where no one ever asked her to id have treated arie right id have done anythg for her and 射d never have known about the other, if it hadnt been for that ddle young lady of hers yes, ill say it, i did have a grud agast the lady, and i felt bitter about it when i saw her on this b




毀容後我成了年級第一 【综荣耀】最强王者 修真之修炼不难 穿越蛮荒:靠异能在部落悠哉种田 給太子當小弟後他彎了 万界大佬都是我徒弟 武道长生:从拜师华山开始