
第51章 苏曼研发的飞艇,漫游者1号 (第3/4页)


e to fly over thousands of mountains and rivers and explore that endless unknown world.

通过数次的飞行测试,我们了解到,世界各地的飞艇测试员进行了各种恶劣情况的飞行检验。through several flight tests, we learned that airship testers from all over the world carried out flight inspections in various harsh situations.

例如在一次飞行途中,飞艇测试员遭遇了狂风暴雨的袭击,飞艇在狂风中剧烈地摇晃着,但它始终坚韧不拔,稳稳地飞翔着。当飞艇穿越了层层乌云,阳光再次洒在它身上时,它那银色的外壳闪耀着更加耀眼的光芒。For example, during a flight, the airship tester encountered an attack of wild wind and heavy rain, and the airship shook violently in the strong wind, but it always remained tenacious and flew steadily. when the airship crossed layers of dark clouds and the sunlight shed on it again, its silver shell sparkled with a more dazzling light.

还有一次测试,当测试员飞越了崇山峻岭后,飞艇来到了一片广袤无垠的沙漠上空。炙热的阳光烤炙着大地,飞艇在高温中艰难前行,但它的氢能源系统始终稳定运行,为飞艇提供着源源不断的动力。终于,飞艇成功穿越了沙漠,降落在了一片绿洲之中,为这次冒险之旅画上了完美的句号。Another test, after the tester flew over the high mountains and long ranges, the airship came over an extensive and boundless desert. the scorching sun baked the earth, and the airship moved forward difficultly in the high temperature, but its hydrogen energy system always operated stably, providing a continuous source of power for the airship. Finally, the airship successfully crossed the desert and landed in an oasis, drawing a perfect end to this adventure trip.

这架新型氢能源飞艇,不仅是科技的结晶,更是人类勇气和智慧的象征,它将带着人们的梦想,继续翱翔在那广阔的天空中……this new type of hydrogen energy airship is not only the crystal of technology, but also a symbol of human c




末日游侠 从掌控斩魄刀开始 永生之灵 末世:开局从收下美艳御姐开始 带着一艘战舰,来到了月球林奕 全是我虐过的大佬[快穿] 厉害后妈在六零