&ot;thats frightfully slipshod,&ot; said l disapprovgly
&ot;ive no bess head,&ot; declared sion cheerfully &ot;never had a fellow tells to sign - i sign its uch the siplest way&ot;
andrew penngton was lookg at hi thoughtfully he said drily, strokg his upper lip, &ot;a little risky tis, doyle?&ot;
&ot;nonsense,&ot; replied sion &ot;i not one of those people who believe the whole world is out to do one down i a trtg kd of fellow - and it pays, you know ive hardly ever been let down&ot;
suddenly, to everyones surprise, the silent r fanthorp swung round and addressed l
&ot;i hope i not buttg , but you t let say how uch i adire your besslike capacity y profession - er - i a a lawyer - i fd ladies sadly unbesslike never to sign a docunt before you read it through is adirable - altother adirable&ot;
he gave a little bow then, rather red the face, he turned once ore to nteplate the banks of the nile
l said rather uncertaly, &ot;er - thank you&ot; 射 bit her lip to repress a giggle the young an had looked preternaturally len
andrew penngton looked serioly annoyed
sion doyle looked uncerta whether to be annoyed or aed
the backs of r fanthorps ears were bright cr
&ot;next, please,&ot; said l, silg up at penngton
but penngton was lookg decidedly ruffled
&ot;i thk perhaps other ti would be better,&ot; he said stiffly &ot;as - er - doyle says, if you have to read through all these we shall b