
第七十二章 让人昏迷的演唱会 (第2/3页)


som helst s? satt vi d?r och talade

medan timmarna f?rsvann

Jag minns inte att jag ens t?nkte tanken



“第七首歌曲来首西班牙歌曲《toca toca》



《Last Ride of the day》

we live in every moment

but this one

why don't we recognize

the faces loving us so

what's God if not the spark

that started life

Smile of a stranger


“第九首歌:《beat it》”吴桐又换了一套衣服,继续热舞,跳唱:

they told him dont You Ever e Around here

dont wanna See Your Face, You better disappear

the Fires In their Eyes And their words Are Really clear

So beat It, Just beat It

You better Run, You better do what You can

dont wanna See No blood, dont be A macho man

You wanna be tough, better do what You can






I fell in love with you

watching casablanca

back row of the drive-in show

In the flickering light

pop-corn and cokes

beneath the stars

became champagne and caviar

making love

on the long hot summer's night

I thought you fell in love with me

watching casablanca

holding hands beneath the paddle fan

In Rick'’s candle-lit cafe在Rick

hiding in the shado




降临者机甲传说 兴妖浮世记 武帝征途 无限重叠:诡变的世界 天涯孤鸿 跟着老天走,啥货都能有 诱宠小蔷薇