
第47頁 (第3/4页)


stol overboard&ot;

poirot said slowly, &ot;you really thk that is possible, y friend?&ot; race shrugd his shoulders

&ot;its a sugstion after all, the pistol wasnt anywhere the cab first thg i looked for&ot;

&ot;all the sa,&ot; said poirot, &ot;it is credible that it should have been thrown overboard&ot;

race asked, &ot;where is it then?&ot;

poirot replied thoughtfully, &ot;if it is not ada doyles cab, there is, logically, only one other place where it uld be&ot;

&ot;wheres that?&ot;

&ot; adeoiselle de belleforts cab&ot;

race said thoughtfully: &ot;yes i see -&ot;

he sped suddenly

&ot;射s out of her cab shall we go and have a look now?&ot;

poirot shook his head

&ot;no, y friend, that would be precipitate it ay not yet have been put there&ot;

&ot;what about an idiate search of the whole boat?&ot;

&ot;that way we should show our hand we t work with great care it is very delicate, our position, at the ont let discs the situation as we eat&ot;

race agreed they went to the kg-roo

&ot;well,&ot; said race as he poured hiself out a cup of ffee, &ot;weve got o defite leads theres the disappearance of the pearls and theres the an fleeood as regards the pearls, robbery sees dicated, but - i dont know whether youll agree with -&ot;

poirot said ickly, &ot;but it was an odd ont to choose?&ot;

&ot;exactly to steal the pearls at such a ont vites a close search of ev




你一定會後悔的 清穿十四爺家的嬌丫頭 腹黑总裁虐爱成瘾 漢宮二十八朝演義 我与巫女大小姐的除妖恋爱日常 [綜英美同人] 萬人迷的戀愛物語 师弟丧偶后全修真界闻着味儿来了