
第80頁 (第1/4页)


ti stared at hi &ot;but you know!&ot;

&ot;what do i know?&ot;

&ot;well - you know ive got the pearls&ot;

&ot;ais oui - ais oui! i know you have the pearls, but i do not know when you got the it ay have been before last night you said jt now that l doyle would not have noticed the substitution i a not sure of that supposg 射 did notice it supposg, even, 射 knew who did it supposg that last night 射 threatened to expose the whole bess, and that you knew 射 ant to do and supposg that you overheard the scene the saloon beeen jacele de bellefort and sion doyle and, as on as the saloon was epty, you slipped and secured the pistol, and then, an hour later, when the boat had ieted down, you crept along to l doyles cab and ade ite sure that no exposure would e&ot;

&ot;y god!&ot; said ti out of his a射n face, o tortured, agonized eyes gazed dubly at hercule poirot

the latter went on: &ot;but body else saw you - the girl louise the next day 射 ca to you and blackailed you you t pay her handly or 射 would tell what 射 knew you realized that to subit to blackail would be the begng of the end you pretended to agree, ade an appotnt to e to her cab jt before nch with the oney then, when 射 was untg the notes, you stabbed her

&ot;but aga ck was agast you body saw you go to her cab -&ot; he half turned to rosalie - &ot;your other once aga you had to act - danroly, foolhardily - but it was the only 插nce you had heard penngton talk about his revolver you




毀容後我成了年級第一 【综荣耀】最强王者 修真之修炼不难 穿越蛮荒:靠异能在部落悠哉种田 給太子當小弟後他彎了 万界大佬都是我徒弟 武道长生:从拜师华山开始