
第43頁 (第4/4页)


ve a brief aount of your own ovents last night after the events we have jt been narratg?&ot;

&ot;i went straight to bed&ot;

&ot;that was at -?&ot;

&ot;jt after half past elve&ot;

&ot;your cab is nuber enty-o on the starboard side - the one nearest the saloon?&ot;


&ot;i will ask you one ore estion did you hear anythg - anythg at all - after you went to your cab?&ot;

fanthorp nsidered

&ot;i turned very ickly i thk i heard a kd of splash jt as i was droppg off to sleep nothg else&ot;


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你一定會後悔的 清穿十四爺家的嬌丫頭 腹黑总裁虐爱成瘾 漢宮二十八朝演義 我与巫女大小姐的除妖恋爱日常 [綜英美同人] 萬人迷的戀愛物語 师弟丧偶后全修真界闻着味儿来了