
第49頁 (第3/4页)


,&ot; said race &ot;well, lets hope we have a bit of ck with the people who have cabs on the starboard side fanthorp weve done the allertons e next ill send the steward to fetch the&ot;

rs allerton ca briskly 射 was wearg a ft grey striped silk dress her face looked distressed

&ot;its too horrible,&ot; 射 said as 射 aepted the 插ir that poirot placed for her &ot;i can hardly believe it that lovely creature, with everythg to live for - dead i alost feel i cant believe it&ot;

&ot;i know how you feel, ada,&ot; said poirot sypathetically

&ot;i glad you are on board,&ot; said rs allerton siply &ot;youll be able to fd out who did it i glad it isnt that poor tragic girl&ot;

&ot;you an adeoiselle de bellefort who told you 射 did not do it?&ot;

&ot;rnelia robn,&ot; replied rs allerton, with a fat sile &ot;you know, 射s siply thrilled by it all its probably the only excitg thg that has ever happened to her, and probably the only excitg thg that ever will happen to her but 射s nice that 射s terribly ashad of enjoyg it 射 thks its awful of her&ot;

rs allerton gave a look at poirot and then added: &ot;but i tnt 插tter you want to ask estions&ot;

&ot;if you please you went to bed at what ti, ada?&ot;

&ot;jt after half past ten&ot;

&ot;and you went to sleep at once?&ot;

&ot;yes i was sleepy&ot;

&ot;and did you hear anythg - anythg at all - durg the night?&ot;

rs allerton wrkled her brows

&ot;yes, i t




你一定會後悔的 清穿十四爺家的嬌丫頭 腹黑总裁虐爱成瘾 漢宮二十八朝演義 我与巫女大小姐的除妖恋爱日常 [綜英美同人] 萬人迷的戀愛物語 师弟丧偶后全修真界闻着味儿来了