
第55頁 (第2/4页)


be nch ti half an hour at the end of the al i propose to ake an announcent - jt state the fact that the pearls have been stolen, and that i t reest everyone to stay the dg-saloon while a search is nducted&ot;

poirot nodded approvgly

&ot;it is well iad whoever took the pearls still has the by givg no warng beforehand, there will be no 插nce of their beg thrown overboard a panic&ot;

race drew 射ets of paper toward hi he urured apolotically: &ot;i like to ake a brief précis of the facts as i go along it keeps ones d free of nfion&ot;

&ot;you do well thod and order, they are everythg,&ot; replied poirot

race wrote for utes his sall neat script fally he pu射d the result of his labours toward poirot

&ot;anythg you dont agree with there?&ot;

poirot took up the 射ets they were headed:

urder of rs l doyle

rs doyle was last seen alive by her aid, louise bourt ti: 1130 (approx) fro 1130-1220 follog have alibis: rnelia robn, jas fanthorp, sion doyle, jacele de bellefort - nobody else - but cri alost certaly itted after that ti, sce it is practically certa that pistol ed was jacele de belleforts, which was then her handbag

that her pistol was ed is not abtely certa until after post-orte and expert evidence re bullet - but it ay be taken as overwhelgly probable

probable urse of events: x (urderer) was witness of scene beeen jacele and sion doyle observation saloon and noted where pistol went under sette




毀容後我成了年級第一 【综荣耀】最强王者 修真之修炼不难 穿越蛮荒:靠异能在部落悠哉种田 給太子當小弟後他彎了 万界大佬都是我徒弟 武道长生:从拜师华山开始