
第26章 震撼发声,地球的真相! (第5/6页)


e born after world war II will all fail.

【万分抱歉,虽然天道文明对你们地球文明表示感谢,但宇宙生存法则的残酷真相,让我们不得不做出如此现实的卑劣举措,希望你们能理解。】 Extremely sorry, although the heavenly way civilization shows gratitude to your Earth civilization, the cruel truth of the universal law of survival makes us have to make such a realistic despicable move, and hopefully you can understand.

【尽管如此,我们天道文明对地球文明也已经算是仁至义尽,如果是其他高等文明,或许地球现在已经被毁灭。】Even so, our heavenly way civilization has been quite kind to the Earth civilization. If it were other high-level civilizations, perhaps the Earth would have already been destroyed by now.

【另外,告诉你们一个好消息,由于地球核能的复苏,盘古大陆板块合体后,灵气会迅速充斥整个地球大气层内部,你们人类如果坚持修炼,改善基因,千百万年后,或许可以凭借强大的肉身遨游宇宙。】In addition, let me tell you a good news. due to the recovery of Earth's nuclear energy, after the bination of the pangu continental plate, the spiritual energy will quickly fill the inside of the entire Earth's atmosphere. If your humans persist in practicing and improving the genes, after tens of millions of years, perhaps you can roam the universe with a strong physical body.

【届时,你们会感激天道文明对地球科技的封锁,促使你们放弃科技发展方向,而是往突破肉身桎梏的方向,走上破碎虚空的修炼成神之路。】At that time, you will appreciate the blockage of the Earth's technology by the heavenly way civilization, which prompts you to give up the direction of technological development, but instead go in the direction of breaking through the shackles of the physical body and embark on the road of cultivating and being a god by shattering the void.





废土求生:我有大佬带我全程躺赢 我在末世的惬意生活 原著白月光觉醒后 守律者 本宫怎么还不死(清穿) 成为合欢宗妖女的短命灵宠 冰封末日,我跟天命主角一起苟