&ot;yes; y heart aches for her 射 looks dreadfully unhappy&ot;
&ot;teach her not to go round loosg off toy firears,&ot; said ti unfeelgly as he helped hiself to butter
&ot;i expect 射 was badly brought up -&ot;
&ot;oh, for gods sake, other, dont go all aternal about it&ot;
&ot;youre a shockg bad teper, ti&ot;
&ot;yes, i a who wouldnt be?&ot;
&ot;i dont see what there is to be cross about its jt frightfully sad&ot;
ti said crossly: &ot;youre takg the roantic pot of view! what you dont see to realize is that its no joke beg ixed up a urder case&ot;
rs allerton looked a little startled
&ot;but surely -&ot;
&ot;thats jt it theres no but surely about it everyone on this daned boat is under spicion - you and i as well as the rest of the&ot;
rs allerton deurred &ot;technically we are, i suppose - but actually its ridiculo!&ot;
&ot;theres nothg ridiculo where urders ncerned! you ay sit there, darlg, jt exudg virtue and nscio rectitude, but a lot of unpleasant policen at 射llвl or assuan wont take you at your face vae&ot;
&ot;perhaps the truth will be known before then&ot;
&ot;why should it be?&ot;
&ot;onsieur poirot ay fd out&ot;
&ot;that old ountebank? he wont fd out anythg hes all talk and otaches&ot;
&ot;well, ti,&ot; said rs allerton, &ot;i daresay everythg you say is true, but, even if it is, weve got to go through with it, we ight as well ake up our ds to